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Here are some of my favorite warm beverages for the Autumn and Winter Season. Please discuss the use of herbs with your doctor especially if you are on medication or being treated for a medical condition. The teas below are safe for most healthy people at doses up to two cups per day. 

Ginger promotes circulation (especially to the hands and feet) and is used as a natural anti-inflammatory for aches and pains including menstrual cramps. Ginger decreases nausea and can be used to ease digestive discomfort (gas, intestinal cramping, etc). It’s used for morning sickness, nausea with migraine, nausea with chemotherapy, and nausea after surgery.

Ginger is safe as a daily tea. Since it is warming, it can aggravate heartburn and reflux in some people. And, it can increase hot flashes, so it’s best to use ginger minimally if you “run hot.”

RECIPE: Fresh Ginger Tea:
1 teaspoon of grated ginger
1 cup of boiling water
Instructions: Pour boiling water over grated ginger and cover. Let steep for 5 minutes (up to 10 minutes for a stronger effect). You can strain the tea or you can drink the tea as is. You can add more water if it’s too spicy or add more ginger if you want a stronger effect. 

Ginger Tea Bags: For a delicious ginger tea, try the Traditional Medicinals brand Ginger tea. They also have a Ginger with Chamomile tea that is delightful. 

Rooibos, (prounced ROY-BOS), has an earthy, tangy, sweet flavor and is a great caffeine-free tea. You can drink it plain or add milk and honey.  Rooibos is rich in antioxidants. 

My favorite brand of rooibos is the Numi brand. I recommend Numi Rooibos and Numi Rooibos Chai teabags. 

Chamomile tea is a wonderful caffeine-free beverage. Chamomile is soothing and calming and it’s a great remedy for sleep. Chamomile can also be used to settle the stomach for digestive discomfort. For sleep benefits, chamomile works best as an infusion (a longer steep).  

RECIPE: Chamomile Infusion for Sleep: 
2 to 3 heaping teaspoons of chamomile flowers
1 cup of boiling water
Instructions: Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers and cover. Let steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea. The flavor will be more bitter than regular chamomile tea. Add lemon and honey, optional. Drink one hour before bed. 

Chamomile Tea Bags: Traditional Medicinals has a delicious organic chamomile in a teabag that I recommend. For even more relaxation, try their Chamomile Lavender tea. 

Herbal Teas for Colds/Flus: 
Try these herbal tea blends to support yourself during colds and coughs. 

Traditional Medicinals brand, Breathe Easy: for sinus and nasal congestion. (contains eucalyptus and Bi Yan Pian which is a Chinese herbal formula for congestion). 

Traditional Medicinals brand, Throat Coat (original): for sore throat and cough. (contains licorice, slippery elm and wild cherry bark). 

Yogi brand, Throat Comfort: similar to Throat Coat but a stronger dose of wild cherry bark for cough, and a spicier flavor with licorice, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. 

Bonus Recipe: Garlic Lemonade
For the treatment and prevention of colds/flus, I love this easy recipe from Dr. Aviva Romm. 
Recipe from:
3 cloves of garlic
Instructions: Chop 3 cloves of garlic. Place into a quart sized mason jar and cover with boiling hot water to fill up the jar. Let sit for 15 minutes. 
Strain and add lemon and honey to taste. 
Drink hot, up to 4 cups per day for adults. 

Many herbal teas have not been evaluated for safety in pregnancy. I recommend to speak with your practitioner about the safety of herbal teas in your pregnancy.

A safe warm beverage for pregnancy is hot water with lemon and honey as an alternative to herbal teas.

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